Conclusion of the Project Youth for Cooperation and Security in EastMed

Cyprus Youth Diplomacy is announcing the conclusion of the project “Youth for Security and Cooperation in EastMed”.
Aim of the project was the creation of a group of “Youth Ambassadors”, comprised by 26 young Cypriots between 16-35 years old. The “Youth Ambassadors” team worked on the enhancement and strengthening of the relations between Eastern Mediterranean Countries, with an emphasis in the role youth can play in relation to cooperation and security in the EastMed region. The 26 young people selected, had an one-year mandate and participated in Cyprus Youth DiplomaCY activities under the mandate of the “Youth Ambassadors for Cooperation and Security in Eastern Mediterranean”.
The 26 Youth Ambassadors participated in a three day seminar/workshop on issues related to Eastern Mediterranean between 23-25 July 2020 in Nicosia. During the seminar/workshop, Youth Ambassadors drafted ideas and proposals in relation to the role of Cyprus in the enhancement of the relations between the countries in the EastMed Region. EastMed Youth Ambassadors participated in activities between July 2020-July 2021-mostly online due to the covid-19 pandemic- promoting their ideas and proposals.
📖 You can read the ideas, suggestions and proposals of the EastMed Youth Ambassadors team by clicking here.
🙏 Cyprus Youth DiplomaCY would like to warmly thank the EastMed Youth Ambassadors team for their cooperation and enthusiasm during the program. We are sure that the EastMed Youth Ambassadors’ Project has proved the important role youth can play in relation to cooperation and security in the Eastern Mediterrenean!
Cyprus Youth DiplomaCY July 2021